Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition: Review of the mobile version

I recall how in 1998 cold winter evenings I took out a notebook with a pencil to record quests and for the long hours fell into the World Forgotten Realms in widely advertised gaming magazines Baldur’s Gate. After Fallout It was not easy to imagine that the same beautiful RPG was still possible in the world. 15 years have passed since then. Impressions are filled with nostalgia. In the hands – a tablet, and in it – the same Baldur’s Gate!

Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition on small tablet screens looks spectacular thanks to talented artists who created the whole art more than 10 years ago.

Four years of mobilization

In 2012, PC users and iPad owners got the opportunity to familiarize themselves with Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition. Not everyone was delighted with what they saw. The loyal fans of Balda for a long time “pumped” the first part with graphic mods and gameplay additions to the same level. In addition, a large -scale plot component was translated into a small number of languages, among which there was no previously promised Russian. The software component optimized for modern machines implied high resolution support and the absence of the “brakes” of the old engine. But at the same time, countless bugs of the original returned, from which the community got rid of several years. At first glance creation Overhaul Games It looked like an attempt to make money on free modifications for a very old game.

Back in 1998, high-quality arts with the appearance of the fictional world Forgotten Realms could hang any computer on the eternal digestion of graphics. Developers from BioWare They were forced to reduce its permission for dull flickering ELT monitors, where at best, the scan reached 800 x 600 pixels. Now the pristine backgrounds are much more appropriate in the era of HD screens and high-performance mobile devices. But blurry characters, rustic animation, stupid movement system and many other disadvantages of the games of the past look sorry for the background of even the simplest indie projects. It was because of obsolete technology that we could not put an expanded publication Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition The PC version is highly rated. The time has come to give way to the inventions of the 21st century and take into account the changed requests of players.

At the same time, if something is unacceptable to PC, then this is not necessarily bad for mobile devices. On iOS and Android, high -quality and fascinating RPG is a rare guest. And by strength Overhaul Games The key problems of the adaptation of the classical isometric game to sensory displays and the features of tablet architecture were solved. Numerous buttons, maps, icons and characteristics of the character fit on a small screen and are convenient to use. Having launched the game on a 10-inch tablet, you no longer notice the flaws of the old animation. On the contrary – the picture seems alive, bright and detailed. Classic games are simply created for mobile devices!

About the features Enhanced Edition It has already been said in our main review. We only note the presence of additional characters for which they ask for

money. Otherwise, being paid, Baldur’s Gate does not require any expenses for the plot. A huge campaign will like all fans of fantasy. The intricacies of dialogs and an exciting story will allow you to relax behind the game, as if you are reading a book.

Pros: A great opportunity to get acquainted with immortal classics or indulge in nostalgia away from the computer.
Cons: lack of any significant qualitative changes.

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