Some time ago "Gambling XP" We published article By Rappelz, dedicated to the three -year anniversary of the Russian version of the game. The publication caused the players a storm of indignation, which spilled in the comments to the article. Went to nuts and we for the inaccuracies allowed.
Well, inaccuracies okay, we made conclusions for ourselves. We will continue to avoid such means, even if it is a scalping of the guilty. But questions for Nikita.Online , Russian operator and publisher Rappelz turned out to be much more serious.
Retelling the content of the claims made by the players, we will not become. Those who wish can read comments, everything is stated there in black and white. For clarifications, we turned to Nikita.Online.
Representatives of the company went towards and agreed to answer the questions (here you can read our ad on this subject). Then everything is simple. Everyone who wanted to unsubscribe to the email address of the site Having collected questions in a heap and deleting the repeated ones, we sent a block of ten questions to the Nikitins. And now, as promised, we publish answers to "Gambling XP". He answers questions Vitaly Kozlov , Nikita Director.Online.
In this case, we act as a neutral intermediary between the two sides. The questions of the players are posed in the form in which they were asked. We only sucked over the excess and arranged commas. The numbering, of course, is also our. Otherwise This is a direct dialogue of players and companies.
This time we deliberately refrain from any comments from ourselves. Judge what and how is provided to you.
Brahi, question number 1
Brahi, Siren server, 151st level. I play Rappelz for three years, with the opening of the first server
1. It seems that the project administration generally spat on players of 150+ levels and simply pumps up money from those who still invest them in this game. Will there be at least some actions to keep old players?
[Nikita.Online] Developers are engaged in the development of the game, our partner is Gala Lab. As for the updates that can be interesting to players of high levels, in the fall we launch Epic “New Test”, among the innovations of which the third profession is particularly expected by many users Rappelz.
Questions No. 2-4
He began to play the game with the 4th Epic, for more than two years in the game already, character level 160+
2. Actually, the main question of both beginners and those who play almost from the very launch of the game (Ruof): when the administration will set the balance of the intra -game currency in relation to GXP? If you do not want to control the GXP asocation, enter an additional button “Buy by rupe” in the shopping store so that the player can instantly purchase what he needs, for the in-game currency (rupees), and not wait a few days due to the fact that Starts interrupted. Limit the GXP course to at least 1 to Instaspin Casino 5,000,000 rupees. Neither you (Nikita company), nor players will not impoverish, one and a half to two years ago 1 GXP cost 300-500 thousand, and everything suited. By setting restrictions, you will give oxygen to both beginners and those who do not often play the game and are not able to knock out many valuable things from mobs.
[Nikita.Online] We do not regulate the course at the GXP asocation, it is regulated by the players themselves with their bets. Otherwise, it would no longer be auction, but a store.
3. When the lottery with boxes is already over? If you want to buy one thing, but it comes across completely different, what is not needed at all. It's the same as if you want to buy a TV, and got a toilet from the box. Put on the cabinet and then look at it? Or you wanted bread, but there were cords for sneakers … It is not serious, tired of twisting the roulette already. Please set the stable prices for all the “shop”-work and place on an ongoing basis. And then even if there is an opportunity to buy a certain product for real money, it is not available, and when there is, there is nothing to buy for. Make shares in price reduction, and not with the advent of certain goods.
[Nikita.Online] Boxes that contain different goods offered at a large discount is just one of the formats of the sale of game items. In addition to them, for example, there are boxes of the ++ series, of which the same product always falls out with a discount, but in different quantities. In addition, all the main items are in constant sale. So there is always a choice.
4. Skill's request [skill] "tame the monster!". Make him roll back 2-3 or 10 seconds. The skill is not combat and it is necessary only when the pet is tamed, but why does he need a rollback [time before re -use, reloading] as many as two minutes? More than your rand gives, it will not work anyway, so why wait so much? Make the players pleasant, make concessions and reduce the time to rollback skill. It will not be worse from the financial side to anyone, they will be tamed faster – they will go faster to pump and buy the same stacks and cookies.
These issues are very interested in, since the game is interesting and attractive, but the prices in it are repeling interest to play. I want a more pleasant pastime, like a year and a half ago. And everything could be bought, and there are more people in the game (well -known anonymous).
If what is described in the first two matters, the game will return its attractiveness.
[Nikita.Online] Thanks for the comment! We sent a request to the developers to clarify why such a rollback time was chosen. If there was no particular reason, it is possible that the developers will make appropriate changes, and you can be proud that you have eased the lives of many other players in Rappelz around the world J.
Raibow, questions No. 5-7
Sincerely, Raibow ("Panther" server)
5. At the moment, it is impossible to find a group for KAC until about 150th level, since you will not be taken to the group if you have a pet below (out of rank), for example, an angel or predator P7. Will you do something?
[Nikita.Online] Of course, when creating a group, each player is trying to find companions that are suitable for his requirements. Therefore, the only solution to the problem described is to look for users with characters of about the same level of development as your. As far as we know, developers plan to begin to improve the social functions of Rappelz after the launch of the epic "New Test". In addition, to search for partners, you can use the social network Gamexp.
6. I play Rappelz for almost three years and during this time I played on many servers (including not Russians), and this is what I noticed. Almost all servers, except Russians, have all kinds of events – almost every week; There is also great help to beginners in development.
[Nikita.Online] First of all, you need to figure out what you mean by "Ivents". If you are talking about large-scale events that have their own plot and last for several days, then the creation of each of them takes from the developers for two to three months, and therefore they are not held anywhere in the world as often as you said. So, for example, from July 25 to August 8 in the Russian -speaking Rappelz event “Frosty Summer” was held, organized with the help of our partners from Gala Lab.
If we are talking about less large -scale events organized by playing masters without attracting developers, then from August 1 to 8 we took place the “Bloody” event, during which users could get a map of the tamed Tyran of Death, Stabilizers of Endurance and other useful in heroic everyday life items. In the near future, the frequency of such events on Russian -speaking servers will be increased.
We also pay special attention to helping beginners. The game has game masters and curators, one of the tasks of which is the support of new players. In addition, we created Wikipelz Wikipedia, which already contains a lot of useful information. We will be grateful if you also contribute to its development.
It is extremely important for us to provide our users with a quality service. If you know specific ways to help beginners practiced on foreign servers and not used by us, please let us know. We will be happy to consider all the proposals and implement the most interesting. We are waiting for your letters at the address marked "Rappelz – help players".
7. Now at all Ruoff servers the prices are simply frantic: for example, about six months ago, the Golden Wings cost 60-80 million on all servers, and what we see at the moment? The same "golden wings" are 350-400 million on all servers. My question is as follows: will there be a conclusion of rupees (game currency) from the game for the subsequent decrease in prices?
[Nikita.Online] The creators of Rappelz are engaged in setting up game balance. New tasks that appeared in the game over the past year have simplified the development of characters at high levels. As a result, the game has more “rich” high -level characters. According to the developers, the new Epic will change the inflation situation.
Mr. Bing, question # 8
I have been playing in Rappelz since June 2009, during which time I pumped two characters, the first was 109th level, and the second at the moment 113rd
8. I know a lot about the game and I remember what it was before. I want to ask the project administration how they want to get the game out of deep inflation? After all, now every sixth capital has more than one billion of the game monetary unit (while two years ago, each only had several tens of millions), and the prices for the necessary objects in the game are too overstated, but I do not blame the players, they do not have choice because they increase prices in the game online store.
[From the editors] A similar question, but indicating other aspects of the topic, is asked below. Representative of Nikita.Online further answers this and the following questions immediately.
Victoria, questions No. 9-10
I play Rapu for two years, a character of the 155th level. Sincerely, Victoria
9. I really like the game, but destroys her desire to be easy and quick to have administrators. If earlier, the shopping shopping was reasonable, then with the advent of this "Galalab" a rampant lottery began with boxes. Almost everything is put there, and not the fact that you will get the necessary thing. Sharpening of weapons is one of the necessary aspects of the game, but now it is almost impossible to do it. It seems that together with the notorious boxes reduced the chance of successful sharpening – in order to pull out more money from the players. For example, a year ago, there were sharpening sets for the 7th rank in the free sale, and I imprisoned the weapon almost to the maximum-having spent, of course, a certain amount, but it was reasonable, and the result was pleased. And now … a depressing sight.
[Nikita.Online] I repeat that we, as publishers, do not interfere in the game balance. In particular, determining the chance of successful sharpening is the prerogative of developers. According to our information, this parameter did not change. As for protection for sharpening the seventh rank, the game regularly holds shares with its sales. However, we consider your remark fair, so on September sixth we returned to the constant sale of powders of stability of the seventh rank.
10. New Epic is coming now. With him, as they say, new armor. And that's what scares. At the moment, a black dragon set is very good, in which all the old people of this game play. So, with the advent of the update, they will not fix him so that he does not become more popular than the new armor, which is so diligently drawn? This is very scary that they do not think about people who invest in this game (in their pocket) a lot of money.
But you have to put up and believe in the best, because the game, if you do not take on it for the purpose of commercial profit, but for the purpose for which it is intended – the entertainment and pleasure of the players would be really one of the best.
[Nikita.Online] Before the launch of the “new test”, it is premature to talk about the parameters of the new armor. However, we understand that this issue is very interested in many high -level players. Therefore, as soon as we get information about the new armor, we will publish it on the game website. Follow the news.
We are very pleased to hear what you think Rappelz is one of the best Mmorpg. We certainly think in the same way and is glad that you share our opinion.
Gamery HP thanks the players who asked questions and the company Nikita.Online, which provided the answers to them.